My future job

I love books, I’ve always thought the books are very special objects. There were a lot of books in my house, and also in my grandparent’s house. And although I really like reading, I love watching books. In this way, is too interesting for me make books. Is not very easy and requires so much practice, but is a really special and (sometimes) personal process. For this reason when I graduate as a designer I would love to work in a publishing house and design many books of different themes. In particular, I would like to make large books full of photographs and/or illustrations, with drop-down pages and innovative covers. I would pay close attention to the type of paper to be used, ideally it will be recycled and the creation of these books has a low enviromental impact. Personally I think it is very important to take care about our trees and the water. They are elementary natural finite resources for life. Knowledge must be expanded without damaging our home, our planet. I intend to be responsible in that regard in my future job.


  1. I'm so glad that you pay attention to the environmental impact that this area have. We have to be conscious with the materials that we use.

  2. is so admirable that you want to be responsible with the planet in your future job <3

  3. That's good, I think the editorial design need's to show an abstract part of the social enviroment


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