Postgraduates studies

Hi! How are you? Today I’m going to write about the postgraduates studies that are interesting for me. In first place I have to tell you my mom is a cartographer, so I have seen maps since I was a child. I think they are so beautiful, interesting and an important object. And yes, you have Google Maps on your phone, but I think is not the same! In addition maps are useful for graphically teaching us other things, not just to help us locate. So I think I would like to study something about the design of maps and, in this way, specialize in that area of design.
Another interest I have talked about before is my love for books, for making books. So I would love to study some magister about editorial design.
My favorite hobbies in the world are the photography and travel and I would like to capture the love I have for these two activities through a book. It is so sad that, at least in Chile, there are virtually no postgraduate studies in photography However, I am very happy to be abble to use photography as a tool in design, it helps me a lot to project myself and and to know what I want to achieve.


  1. I think that the cartography is so interisting and beautiful!

  2. Write a letter to the president suggesting to make photography postgraduate in Chile(?

  3. I think that's a very interesting object !


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