
Mostrando las entradas de octubre, 2019

Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone! How are you doing today? In this new blog I am going to write about changes I would like to do in my study programme. I will start by remembering that I am currently in the second year of the design career, and it has turned out to be somewhat overwhelming, especially when the final exams are approaching  because we are taking several subjects simultaneously and, therefore, we have several consecutive evaluations in a short time. This can be very stressful and exhausting, so I would suggest making a change and finishing some subjects a week or two before. This will allow the evaluations to not be so close and the student can properly prepare for each of them. On the other hand, I would like the schedules, at least in the first two years, not to be so extensive. Mainly because during the week it is very complex to do extracurricular activities with the amount of hours that we must complete in the classroom. It is important to consider that in addition to having a ful

[Personal opinion] Meat eating

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to write about eating meat and not eating meat too haha. To contextualize, I must say that from a young age I was bad at eating meat, I never liked it too much and it made me feel bad :( Currently I am still not good at consuming meat, however, I try to eat enough protein and iron, specially since I practice a sport.This is all about a physiological issue, but I also believe that our meat consumption should generally decrease. I don't think any animal should suffer the way chickens, cows, pigs and many other animals suffer. I love animals, they're very genuine beings. On the other hand, the destruction we are doing to our forests and to different places because of livestock is really nefarious. I have mentioned in previous blogs that I love to travel, it is of my favorite activities because it allows me to know different cultures and enrich myself from them. If the cattle industry continues to operate that way there will be none of that any

Self care

Hi there! How are you doing? Today I am going to talk about something is too important for me and It is my priority first and foremost: my well-being and my happiness. Since I started to study in the college I had been so stressed, sleeping wrong, eating wrong and even depressed. Enter to the university was for me start a new life, so far from my family and my home. And now I am responsable of an entire house, here in Santiago. So like you see I have always so many responsabilities and sometimes this makes me feel overwhelmed. In first place I have to tell you the organization of time is very important. Something that helps me so much is the to-do lists, ideally  written with many colors, so I remember them better. To relax and concentrate better I usually meditate 10 minutes, it makes it impossible for me to do it every day, but every time I can I do it. Meditating calms me down a lot and allows me to think better. For my hapiness I do practice kickboxing 3 times a week, after cl

Postgraduates studies

Hi! How are you? Today I’m going to write about the postgraduates studies that are interesting for me. In first place I have to tell you my mom is a cartographer, so I have seen maps since I was a child. I think they are so beautiful, interesting and an important object. And yes, you have Google Maps on your phone, but I think is not the same! In addition maps are useful for graphically teaching us other things, not just to help us locate. So I think I would like to study something about the design of maps and, in this way, specialize in that area of design. Another interest I have talked about before is my love for books, for making books. So I would love to study some magister about editorial design. My favorite hobbies in the world are the photography and travel and I would like to capture the love I have for these two activities through a book. It is so sad that, at least in Chile, there are virtually no postgraduate studies in photography ☹ However, I am very happy to be