Changes to my study programme

Hello everyone! How are you doing today? In this new blog I am going to write about changes I would like to do in my study programme. I will start by remembering that I am currently in the second year of the design career, and it has turned out to be somewhat overwhelming, especially when the final exams are approaching because we are taking several subjects simultaneously and, therefore, we have several consecutive evaluations in a short time. This can be very stressful and exhausting, so I would suggest making a change and finishing some subjects a week or two before. This will allow the evaluations to not be so close and the student can properly prepare for each of them. On the other hand, I would like the schedules, at least in the first two years, not to be so extensive. Mainly because during the week it is very complex to do extracurricular activities with the amount of hours that we must complete in the classroom. It is important to consider that in addition to having a...